Webinar Products

Our webinars are designed for members or non members who want to learn a little about a new topic or keep up to date with emerging workforce planning trends without the burden of significant time of financial investment. These sessions serve as bits-sized learning parcels in their own right and also opportunities to identify opportunities to complete more detailed courses in the future.

Members have free access to all webinars in the Webinar Collection.

Non-members can purchase webinars individually below or choose to become a member.

Compare membership options to find out which membership suits you best.

Scenario Planning Masterclass

This webinar covers all aspects of the scenario planning process, including a real-life example.

Introduction to Capability Mapping

This webinar covers the difference between capability, skills and competency and how to identify and map capabilities in your organisation.

The 8B’s Model

This webinar covers the 8B’s model for workforce development and references innovative workforce solutions (case studies).

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